Someday There Will Be A Great Awakening.

I've picked up "The Second Book Of The Tao" again. I really don't know why I ever put it down.

"You save the world when you save yourself. (There's no one else you can save)."

"This is called 'inner-radiance'
add to it, it is never full;
take from it, it is never depleted.
It is the inexhaustible treasury."

"Then suddenly, one fine day, mind realizes that it knows nothing, that it is nothing, and sets itself free."

"What we love in the world is what we discover in ourselves. The infinite inclusiveness of heaven, the unshakable support of earth: how could we notice them if they weren't qualities of our noticing mind? Whatever the self describes, describes the self."

"Consider a window: it is just a whole in the wall, but because of it the whole room is filled with light."

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